Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sony discontinuing Cassete Players

Sony has announced that they are officially discounting cassette player in January 2013. The tangible forms of music is a dying market, Cassette and CDs have become seemingly unpopular over the past few years. This market started slowing dying with the introduction of intangible music, such as MP3 and MP4. The introduction of portable MP3 players and iPod sure didn't help the cassette market.
To those born before the 90s, if own this gadget above then know you lived in time where music meant something


To the younger generations, the discontinuing means nothing but there is still a cassette market for the older generations. Your grandparents maybe even parents arent going to jump on the bandwagon of the iPod world and start downloading music from iTunes; they rather have a finer taste for music which means they have a smaller collection of music. The older generation appreciates physically going to the store and purchasing their favorite artists, because buying the tape makes you a true fan and supporter.

Whats your form of Music?

Since we can kiss cassette players goodbye now, we know that CD players will be next. Listening to music has become so easily nowadays, you have a choice of streaming it via bluetooth, Docking your phone into almost any device. As the late Steve Jobs described it "Having a thousand songs in your pocket".

Is this the end of an era? 

Please visit the survey below regarding your form of music so we can discuss music forms further:
 Music Survey

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